I'm sure many of you can feel the transitions and shifts happening in your life. For me, there’s been undeniable proof of rapid transformation. In the midst of this journey, I’ve seen things being exposed—things that need to be removed and released. I've also noticed dormant aspects awakening, some new and unfamiliar, bringing moments where I don’t fully know how to navigate or what steps to take next. There’s this delicate balance of waiting on God’s timing while also being attentive to His directions for the present.
Sometimes, we grow so accustomed to familiar places that we overlook the role surrender plays in our lives. Recently, I’ve been hearing God say, “Just be.” As a brand designer for nearly a decade, I felt God shifting me away from that realm alone into a broader, more profound capacity. I’d step in and out, touching that familiar space but never staying. I realize now that part of this journey has been about relinquishing control. What I once did was predictable and logical—leaning on my own understanding rather than the fullness of who God created me to be.
God often speaks to us through dreams, visions, and prophetic words, and I am a natural pioneer, quick to move forward. But at the same time, my deepest desire is to honor God without becoming tangled a need to dodge process or submit to rigid systems. Yet, I see how easy it is to get accustomed to cycles, structures, and even legalism that subtly shape us. God is now showing me that being in His will means letting go of the systems I once knew. Being a brand designer required staying within certain lanes, but God has expanded my purpose beyond that. Over the past year and a half, He’s led me to lead and cultivate prayer groups that I’ve spearheaded, as well as mentorship groups that Ignited the confidence and gifting in the women I served, where His glory has fallen. He’s allowed me to go on prayer assignments and move in prophetic giftings and callings at a greater capacity.
In the design world, there's a system: you operate within a niche, build a brand, and market strategically. But lately, it’s been challenging to distinguish where my brand ends and where ministry begins. Everything feels intertwined in Kingdom work, and at times, I struggle to determine what should take precedence. I’ve experienced seasons where financial stability felt like it needed to take priority, especially in times of obscurity. But even now, God is retraining me to depend on Him as my source, not on any earthly resources.
When God says “just be,” I hear Him inviting me to move within the flow of the Holy Spirit. This call to “just be” is not about placing restrictions on God but rather about breaking free from the systems that try to confine us. For me, that has meant unlearning parts of what I was once formally trained in, shifting instead to the wisdom taught by the Holy Spirit. It’s about surrendering, niches, and familiar roles, and stepping into new spaces where even I am still learning to see myself through the lens God has always viewed me.
I’m learning that “becoming” is a continuous, progressive journey that won’t cease until we reach glory. My prayer for you, too, is that you would simply be. That you would follow God’s leading moment by moment, releasing the linear logic that confines and embracing the Spirit’s flow. Yes, we should seek strategy and organization with the Holy Spirit, but we should not be boxed in.
In that, there is a word, and the word is that this is a time for Deborahs to arise. Even in the midst of God speaking about just being, I have been studying Deborah, whose name means "bee." One thing about Deborah is that she recognized herself as a mother of a nation, understanding that if she did not arise, others wouldn’t rise either. She was a catalyst, a mobilizer of a people who would have stayed still if she hadn’t first stepped up.
Sometimes, if we are too still, too settled only in what we understand, we may actually be prohibiting the flow of the Holy Spirit that He’s requiring us to move in so that He can move. Culturally, during Deborah’s time, it was highly uncommon for a woman to hold a position of leadership over Israel, especially as both a judge and a prophetess. Yet, she knew who she was and did not allow societal norms to keep her still. Instead, she rose up.
The word here is this: now is the time to just be—to be and arise into who God has called you to be. Because there are people waiting for you to shift into the fullness of who God says you are. If you don’t move, they may not be mobilized or catapulted into their places. When we limit God’s access to us, we limit His access to them In the moment. God has positioned us, as mobilizers, at the forefront to help pioneer movements.
This might not be for everyone, but for those it is for, you already know who you are. It’s time to just be and step out of the systems that have kept you bound and limited, because you are so much bigger than that.
Just as I once branded for clients, I now feel called to glorify God’s name in everything, not by making Him a brand but by reflecting His presence in all I do. If that means preaching, I’ll preach; if it’s encouraging, I’ll encourage; if it’s teaching, I’ll teach. It’s about knowing how you’re uniquely wired and flowing in that—unhinged and unrestricted. May the old pour out, making room for the new.
And let this be a reminder: do not suppress who you are in order to conform to what you’ve always known.
Are you struggling to be because you feel like an imposter? Grab my most recent book with built in workbook Becoming Unmasked.